Dear Children,
You may be wondering what I was doing on Kilkee Beach in November when I should be busy at Santa HQ in Lapland so close to Christmas getting your toys ready with the Elves.
Every Christmas as I swoop around the Globe with my Reindeer, we fly into Kilkee across the bay and I look down and think what a glorious place it would be to stop and have a swim. I always dreamed that one day, when I am not busy delivering Christmas presents, I will pop back and take a dip.
Imagine my surprise when I received a special message from a Television crew explaining that they needed to film a TV advertisement on Kilkee Beach in November where everyone was going to pretend it was Christmas day and run into the sea for a dip!
“ It won’t be the same without you Santa “ They said.
They wanted to show everyone what happens on Christmas day, and understanding that I am always busy at Christmas and never have the time to stop hoped that I might like to join in the fun.
As you can guess November is a very busy time for me and my elves, making sure all the toys are ready, so I decided that I couldn’t possibly go and sadly tore the letter in two and put it in the bin.
A few days later, I noticed some strange things going on in the workshop
The elves whispering in one corner………………
Mrs. Clause was rummaging about in my clothes cupboard…………………..
My reindeer were doing their warm-up exercises………………………
What was going on?
As I walked around the corner, I bumped straight into my smallest elf, who bounced off my Tummy and landed on the floor!
“Tiny Elf what are you rushing around for,” I said
“It’s a secret,” said Tiny Elf, his cheeks glowing pinker than ever
“Tiny Elf, you know we don’t have secrets in Santa’s Grotto, now tell me the truth”
Just then Mrs. Clause came by with a big bag full of a packed lunch and my swimming togs.
“Off you go Santa,” she said, “ the Elves and I have decided you deserve to have one day off, you are going to Kilkee to swim in the sea”
So, thanks to Mrs. Clause and the Elves planning behind my back, I was able to come and join in with the November swim in Kilkee.
What a treat! The sun shone, the waves crashed, and everyone had the best time, and my dreams came true.
Remember Children I will be watching you.
If you want to have your dreams come true, as mine did, make sure you are being very very good.
Best wishes Santa